I'm Sadra Mohtadi! I'm a programmer whose been programmaing since late 2019, I've worked with many programming languages including: C++, JS, C#, mySQL, Java and more. I am also the founder of ΩRoad. If you recived ANY email ending in sadramohtadi.ir then it's me emailing you.
This is the Sadra Mohtadi youtube channel, I am not planning on uploading anything but, it exists
This is the official Sadra Mohtadi instagram account, I barely post anythng, becuase I'm really inactive on instagram but I might post a few stories once in a blue moon.
This is the official Sadra Mohtadi facebook profile, keep in mind I'm putting these here just so that you guys can know which account is actually mine
This is the official Sadra Mohtadi Twitter (or X) account, I might post some stuff there.